More than skin deep
2 March 2021
For the Love of Mum
2 May 2021Be (verb): to exist.
When was the last time you took time out just for you?
To be is allowing yourself the time and space to listen to your mind and body and ask yourself “what do I need to move forward in life?”. Through meditation, moving our body, spirituality, creativity and self-care, we all have the ability to give back to ourselves and just be.
We all know when we haven’t given ourselves the opportunity to just be. We become agitated, burnt out and feel the pressure of the world around us. We spend day in and day out working towards our dreams and desires but suddenly, we’re not enjoying the journey as we’re so caught up in the destination..
The shoulds!!
One of the biggest signs of not allowing yourself to be is when the word “should” is unleashed over and over again. Have you caught yourself saying or thinking things like “I should book that massage”, “I should have this weekend off working” and “I know I should slow down”?
The shoulds of the world inhibit us from being. They’re attached to guilt for slowing down and taking that time out that we crave. In a world surrounded by decision, change and demands, we can’t expect to perform at our best if we’re not giving our mind, body and spirit the opportunity to grow and move forward.
Just BE
We feel so passionately about giving ourselves the opportunity to just be that it’s literally in our business name!
“I would always encourage my clients to just be. It’s the still place where miracles are formed, where self-love is discovered and where escaping from the world around you, even just for a short while, is possible.” – Beaute & BE Founder, Natasha.
From the moment you walk into our space, your wellbeing is our total focus.
We’ve crafted all of our treatments in a way to ensure that regardless of what service you’re experiencing, you have the opportunity to just be. Many think that booking out time in the salon to be means a luxurious pampering session and let’s be honest, who doesn’t love the sound of that, but it doesn’t always have to be.
Closing your eyes and drifting off during a facial, taking a moment of reflection during a pedicure or using the 20 minutes of a lash tint to forget the noise of the outside world show you that you don’t need all the time in the world to carve out moments to just be and in fact, having that appointment locked-in means you’ve marked out time in your busy schedule to do exactly that.
The greatest care you can give to yourself is self-care.
When we just be, even for a moment, we’re able to truly be the person we want to be for ourselves and others. We uncover clarity, rediscover focus and ignite the drive we felt was lost so that we can move forward in life with presence and conviction.
Timeout at Beaute & BE is the perfect space for this.
With our ethos centred around opportunities to just be, you can trust that your time with us will provide you with the grounding energy you’ve been searching for.